The Sustainable Development Goals -India's Progress Report 2021

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the blueprint for achieving a better and sustainable future for all. The United Nations (UN) General Assembly in its 70th Session held on 25th September 2015, with the aim of taking forward the success of Millennium Development Goals, adopted the document titled "Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" consisting of 17 Sustainable Development Goals and associated 169 targets. The SDGs came into force with effect from 1st January, 2016. The SDGs are a comprehensive list of global goals integrating social, economic and environmental dimensions of development. Moreover, the SDGs are universal (for all nations - developed, developing and least developed), interconnected and indivisible and hence necessitate comprehensive and participatory approaches in bringing everybody together so that no one is left behind. Countries are primarily responsible for following up and reviewing the progress made in implementing the goals and targets at the national level till 2030.

The Sustainable Development Goals provide an international framework to move by 2030 towards more equitable, peaceful, resilient, and prosperous societies - while living within sustainable planetary boundaries.

The SDGs are not legally binding, but have become de-facto international obligations and have potential to reorient domestic spending priorities of the countries up till 2030. Countries are expected to take ownership and establish a national framework for achieving these goals. Implementation and success will depend on countries' own sustainable development policies, plans and programmes. The 2030 Agenda also underscored the fact that quality, reliable and disaggregated data would be needed for measurement of progress on the targets and for ensuring that "No One is Left Behind".

The United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) in March 2015, created the Inter-agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs), composed of Member States and including regional and international agencies as observers with a task to develop and implement the Global Indicator Framework (GIF) for monitoring the Goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda. India represented South Asia in the IAEG-SDGs during 2015-2019. The GIF was developed by the IAEG-SDGs and agreed upon, by United Nations Statistical Commission in March 2017 which was subsequently adopted by the UN General Assembly in July 2017.

India is committed to implement the SDGs based on the nationally defined indicators responding to national priorities and needs. In this effort, towards integrating SDGs into country's on-going national and sub-national policies and programs, at national level, NITI (National Institution for Transforming India) Aayog has mapped the SDGs with centrally sponsored programs of different Central Ministries/Departments. The integrated nature of the 2030 Agenda requires governments to work across policy silos and set ambitious and interrelated economic, social and environmental objectives that go beyond short term political cycles. Government of India is working with the approach to strategic visioning, priority setting, and implementation. The Government of India is strongly committed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Following its commitment towards achieving the SDGs, Government has also initiated a series of nation-wide welfare and developmental programs. The Government is committed to ensuring "Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas" in the spirit of the Sustainable Development Goals' motto of "Leaving No One Behind".

AS far as HPC industry is concerned the following four goals, viz. SDG 3, SDG6, SDG 9 and SDG 12 are very relevant and hence we provide here the India's progress report on these relevant goals.


ISDC Conference 2025
7th Tri Annual International Soap, Detergent and Cosmetics Conference
March 9-11, 2025
Hotel Taj Vivanta New Delhi, Dwarka