Any corporation, partnership or other type of business entity which is engaged in the business of manufacturing, processing, packaging, marketing or servicing of Industry Products and is invited to be a member, is prima facie eligible for membership as a Founder Member subject to the payment of applicable founder membership fees. Founder member will enjoy all the privileges of Members and shall have the rights to vote at general meetings.
Life Member
Any corporation, partnership or other type of business entity which is engaged in the business of manufacturing, processing, packaging, marketing or servicing includingproviding support services, such as logistics, chemical analysis, raw material & packing materials, databasing, computing, financial, technical consulting or legal counsel, to the Industry,and is prima facie eligible for membership as a Life Member subject to the payment of applicable life membership fees. Life member will enjoy all the privileges of Members and shall have the rights to vote at general meetings.
Annual Member
Any corporation, partnership or other type of business entity which is engaged in the business of manufacturing, processing, packaging, marketing or servicing of Industry Products, is prima facie eligible for membership as an Annual Member subject to the payment of applicable annual membership fees. Annual Members will enjoy all the privileges of Members, and shall have the rights to vote at general meetings.
Affiliate Industry Association Member
Any Industry Association whose members are in the business of manufacturing, processing, packaging, marketing or servicing of home & personal care Industry Products and is invited and prima facie eligible for membership as an Affiliate Industry Association Member. The Affiliate Industry Association Member is not subject to membership fees and will not have rights to vote at general meetings. Membership of Affiliate Industry Association will be subject to Board of Directors approval.
Honorary Member
Any individual who has rendered distinguished service to the Association and is invited to be honorary member provided that the name of such distinguished service of the personmade known in writing by the Secretary and membership will be subject to approval by the Board of Directors. •Reached the age of 50 years •Retired from the Industry and •Held office in the Association or in the Industry for a period of at least 5 years or for such other period as may be specified by the Board of Directors.
Honorary Member will enjoy all the privileges of members, however, the membership is not subject to membership fees and Honorary Member will not have the rights to vote at general meetings.